An eventful week of business tours…

Tuesday- Mississippi Culture in Staunton. The class was very impressed by the optimistic vision fostered by the owners! We also got an in depth tour of the brewing process, which was additionally intriguing.

Wednesday- UCB in Carlinville. The class got an important refresher on the banking process, and was reminded of safe practices to avoid fraud. This knowledge is beyond crucial, as at the CEO Tradeshow (T minus 2 weeks ) we will have to deal with electronic and cash payments.

Thursday- Carlinville Area Hospital. This visit was very engaging, and among other things, the class learned to always think outside the box while approaching new opportunities. The executive team also addressed the importance of treating employees with respect, which explains why the hospital has such a high retention rate!

Thank you to each business for your time and knowledge!Your support and hospitality means a lot to all of us.