Jason Weller is a senior at Northwestern Jr. Sr. High. He is very highly involved in his ... Learn More

Jason Weller
About Me
Jason Weller is a senior at Northwestern Jr. Sr. High. He is very highly involved in his school extracurricular activities such as FFA, Student Council, National Honor Society, and Drama Club. He is also the Northwestern FFA President along with Section 15 FFA President, Student Council Treasurer, National Honor Society Treasurer and Reporter for his senior class. He also participates in his community trap shooting team as a shooter and a junior coach for the younger kids. Jason’s hobbies include wakeboarding, skiing, hanging with friends, and helping his dad around the farm. Starting in January Jason is going to start Over Your Head Photography taking pictures of farm houses and selling them to the householders. After graduation he would like to go to college for a degree in AG Business.